March 16, 2007


I love snow. Everything all white and fluffy. I swear that Lorelai Gilmore and I have the same love of the snow. The first snow. The smell in the air right before the snow comes. That slight "brrr" from the chilly air. I love watching my cats try and chase the flakes through the window. I still don't understand people who choose to live in snowy places, but don't like the snow. Move already and stop your whining. Enjoy how pretty everything looks. All those leafless twigs sticking up from the ground have a new life covered in snow. Its like art. Even better when it turns to ice on the branches (well, not the damage it can cause, but how pretty it looks). I am happy when it snows.

March 03, 2007

Life and what to make of it

So, this life thing goes on and on. I keep thinking about what I am doing, how I am living my life, and how I want to be living my life. The worst part for me is that I feel like I am in a constant state of waiting. Waiting to figure out who I want to be. Waiting to figure out what kind of career I really want to have. Waiting to be able to afford a home that I would really love to live in. Waiting to be who I am supposed to be. As of right now, at age 29, I am still not quite sure who I am.

One of the most painful, yet numbing feelings, is not knowing who you are and what you are passionate about. After years of not figuring out what I liked because I was so worried about being judged for my opinions, I never felt brave enought to form my own feelings about things. Now, as I try and figure out what it is I do love, I feel like I am lost in the woods without a compass or a guide. I feel no sense of direction. What steps do I take to find my passion? Or is the real truth that there is no passion inside of me to tap into? I have always thought that everyone has something that they love, that they dream of doing.

How do you find your passion? How will I find mine?